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About Us

About Image 2025-2-01

We love Africa. We love Namibia. The rhythms and pulse of this place is ingrained in our very DNA. And so, Ingwe Wildlife Art was born out of our passion for our vibrant and energetic African bushveld and the animals that live there. There is only one process that can secure the continued preservation and existence of our way of life and the natural world that surrounds us here in the sub-region of Africa and that is controlled, and ethical, trophy hunting.


DIP & PACK Expert pre-preparation and secure packaging of your trophies for safe and compliant transportation worldwide. TAILORED MOUNTS
Custom-designed taxidermy mounts that highlight the unique beauty and story of your trophy. RUG TANNING
Specialized hair-on tanning services to transform your trophy hides into stunning, high-quality rugs. LEATHER CURIOS
Unique, handcrafted items like rifle bags, handbags, decorative cushions, and more, tailormade using your tanned hides and premium leather to suit your personal requests.

client feedback

"Echt tolle Präparate eine super Arbeit habt ihr alle zusammen geleistet." Jonny B "Soweit ich weiss, werden Sie ja bereits in den Ferien sein. Da ich gestern endlich meine von Ihnen präparierten Trophäen erhalten habe, möchte ich es dennoch nicht versäumen, Ihnen und Ihrem ganzen Team für die hervorragende Arbeit zu danken. Meine Frau und ich sind von den exzellenten Präparaten wirklich begeistert und freuen uns sehr." Dirk Z "I’ve actually skinned and tanned many hides the old-fashioned way (no chemicals, using wood-ash solution and conditioning the leather using the brains of the animal) so I know how much skill, time and labor is involved, even with chemicals or more modern processes. I am blown away by these flatskins. I am happy too of course with the skulls, but really floored by the skins. I have no idea what I will do with them or where I can put them (my house is petite!) but they are precious to me. Thank you, and thanks to yourtalented crew." Laurel H "The trophies are superb. The work your friend did is some of the best taxidermy ever. Thank you for recommending him". Lori C "We finally unwrapped the sable and hung him up last weekend. Please pass along to Christiaan that I thought he did beautiful work." Bill B